Monday, December 15, 2008

Marathon Lessons & Blues

Yesterday I ran the White Rock Marathon in Dallas for the 3rd time. I have been training to qualify for the Boston marathon for the last 3 marathons now. I have gotten close and was really praying and hoping that yesterday would be the race. It felt like it might be when I first started running. I had really been praying for good weather and energy to make it till the end. The forecast was warm, humid and windy but I was okay with that. Jonathan was my course support as always and even ran the last few miles with me.
Standing at the starting line facing straight south into the 25-30 mph wind I still stayed positive and prayed continually for God to help it die down. I was doing well till mile 14 when we turned straight into the wind on White Rock Lake. For the next 6 miles, it pulled the energy right out of me to just stay moving. By the time I finished, I was as exhausted as I have ever felt. And I was way over my time that I aimed for. It was discouraging! I do have to be thankful for Jonathan and for 2 friends that I saw out on the course that ran with me for a while! Their encouragement helped me finish even though I didn't feel like it.
Now I am not sure what to do about the marathon thing. Do I try again or give it up? I prayed for weeks about this race, especially having energy and good weather and ultimately my goal of qualifying. God answered with a no so now I am just praying about what he wants me to do from here! My pride took a beating in that I came in so slow! I haven't bombed a race like that in a long time and it was tough to be okay with that but I know that dying to self is always a good thing even if it hurts! I am bummed but I know that He is good all the time and that there is a plan and purpose in this all. I will wait and listen.
Psalm 5:3
In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I say try again! Always try again until you can't try anymore. :)