Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Today is a new beginning! Maybe you need one of those. We all do at times and I am excited about this one.
Jonathan and I were talking last night as we drove home from celebrating. God took us through some tough stuff in 2008 but the cool thing is that he brought us through it. Sometimes the worst things you imagine seem so impossible until you are walking through them and hanging on to God by the skin of your teeth. Then as you see ahead and begin to understand what is behind, you can look up and see how real God was through it all. He will carry you through!
So as we move forward into 2009, here is my prayer for you and for us!
Father God,
Thank you for bringing us this far and for your faithfulness! You are sovereign and able to do all things. You know the desires of our hearts and the perfect timing for bringing all things to pass. May you give us an extra portion of patience, perseverance and trust to follow you through to the end! May 2009 bring you glory. Help us to keep our eyes, hearts and minds focused on you alone. May your truth continue to triumph and may we point others to you. Bless this year, draw us to your heart and bring your will to pass! We can't wait to see the awesome things you are going to do and to give you all the praise and honor for doing them! AMEN!!!!
Isaiah 43:19
Behold, I am doing a new thing;now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.


Andreea said...

I love that scripture!! I stumbled upon it last night and took out my index cards immediately so I could write it down.

EstherRD said...

Thanks! Me too! God is so faithful to give us new beginnings isn't he?
More of him in 2009!