Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Where are my spheres of influence?

Back again! Sorry it's been a few days. Work has been crazy with all the New Year's Resolution Rush (exercise and nutrition are hot commodities for a few weeks). I have been meeting with lots of people to help them create and reach their nutrition and physical activity goals for 2008.
Our church is praying and working on a strong evangalism emphasis this winter. They are asking us to pray and engage those around us for Christ, not just to get them to come to church for Easter but to give them a chance to see a christian life being walked out besides them in the real world. At 1st glance, this emphasis makes me a little squirmy because I have always hated "evangalism" in the sense of knocking on someone's door to tell them the gospel. Even as I write this I hate to say that this is how I feel. I love God and certainly want everyone to find him but I have to be honest and say that sometimes I am scared to share him for fear of what they will think of me. Then I often feel like I don't know to many lost ones or those questioning spiritual matters. Who would I share with?
2007 I spent the year working on learning, growing and gaining confidence in my faith through the Centurion's program (http://www.breakpoint.org/generic.asp?ID=2748) so I would be prepared for just this. As I have finished this program, I have been praying for a way to use my knowledge and passion for God. Yet here I am being uncomfortable about it!
Then God caught my mind with a phrase "engage others where your lives cross".
To go back up to my 1st thoughts, I encounter people in some of the most personal ways through what I do each day. Literally working with them on bettering their health, lifestyle and future. I have many opportunities to engage others, offer encouragement and live out my faith before them. God has provided me with ample opportunities and I have not seen them or realized that they were there. In my exercise classes alone, I have a captive audience and we can have some great conversations as we work out! How cool is that? I think I have been looking for or operating out of preconceived notions rather than seeing where God has placed me and why he has placed me here!
So now, I will be praying for my eyes to remain open and my heart to be willing and sensitive to the spirit's leading! I am excited about what God can do if I let Him work through me! I will keep you posted on all the goings on and how I do. Thanks God for opening my eyes and heart and giving me a chance to practice what I preach, I love you!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I see how you would have a lot of neat opportunities to show people how they need God to make the changes that matter most. That's exciting! I can't wait to hear what happens. :)