Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008- New Year Thoughts

So today is back to work!
All the holidays are done, my christmas decorations are down and I am getting back into the full swing of things with all my schedules. 2008 yawns ahead of me with many new opportunities and waiting to see where God takes us this year. But my heart is contemplative about a few things too...
-2008 elections- I believe this will be a most crucial turning point for America. For good or for evil. I am burdened to pray harder and deeper.
-The awakening of the body of Christ- because we are in such a pivotal point, I think believers are going to have to become more serious. There will be less riding the fence and being semi-committed because the price and consequences for being a true christian are rising.
-Knowing why you believe what you believe and how to articulate it will be vital. The Centurion's program is such a blessing and such a responsibility. I think God will be doing something with this but I am not sure what.
-Jonathan's business is at a critical cross-roads and God is blessing them but will also ask of them for His purpose. I must pray continually for them, strength, wisdom, integrity and a willingness to obey whatever He asks!
There are more thoughts swirling but I am not sure how to articulate them yet! I will keep posting.


Terri said...

The USA has been such a blessing to the world by its generosity across the globe. Nevertheless, it may be that we are headed for hard times with the way liberals are pushing us. And if that's the case, it won't be easy to be a Christian in this nation anymore - which may be a blessing. It will cause believers to really count the cost and likely cause us to fully immerse ourselve in Christ instead of straddling the fence (as you mentioned). No one wants persecution, no one wants anyone to suffer; however, God knows what we need as individuals - and as a nation - to RISE UP to the "high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Amber said...

Great blog, it encourages me to be a little more committed to my faith this year. Hope you had a great New Year! Talk to you soon.