Thursday, July 23, 2009

Be Still

Today in my quiet time I was brought to some scriptures about being still before God. The thoughts and challenges of digging a little deeper delighted me and I wanted to share them with you! I will focus in on 1 scripture to keep things short!

Psalm 46:10a
Be still, and know that I am God.

The Hebrew word for "still" in this verse is (Strongs- KJV- raphah) has some great meanings- sink down, relax, let drop. To quote Jennifer Rothschild, the Hebrew word "pictures a physical position. It's like letting your body go limp or relaxing the grip of your hand. It simply means you quiet yourself by acknowledging He is God and His ways rule... The reason stilling our souls brings peace and calm into our thoughts is because it puts us in a posture of acceptance rather than anger and deference rather than defiance."

So dwell on that today and be "still" before God!

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