Sorry I haven't been very faithful about posting of late. Work has been a little nutty and I have been doing lots of other stuff, not that this is a good excuse.
I had dinner with a friend from grade school last night. We stay in touch and try to see each other regularly. As we were sitting at dinner last night we were talking about funny moments with technology. Both of us had funny stories about texting and e-mail miscommunication. Then we were also talking about how our parents use technology and how we have relate to them through it. My parents are not the best at staying in touch so I have found that I do best if I take responsibility for that. I send e-mails and call them regularly. But sometimes I will contact them and they never get the message or don't know how to respond. That always makes me laugh. Then I think "If I have kids some day, how are they going to laugh at me about technology?" We are constantly inventing more methods to interact and stay in touch but are we succeeding? With more and more ways to communicate, am I really listening and growing with those around me?
This got me to thinking about how God must feel communicating with us sometimes. With my generation, I think we don't stop long enough to hear him (not that he is can't speak to us through ways we hear) or use methods that truly connect with him. For example- I have this calendar that I change daily that has a scripture verse on it. I read it daily and then go on to the next thing. I really appreciate the scriptures and they speak to me but often I don't take the time to truly read, dwell or meditate on what the verse is saying.
I know we all know the verse "Be Still and know that I am God" (Ps 46:10) but I did some digging into the root meanings of this verse today to deepen my understanding and challenge myself to get back in touch with God.
Still is the Hebrew word-
raphah- some of the meanings are: sink down, relax, be quiet, let go, let alone.
Know is the Hebrew word-
Yada'- some of the meanings are: to know by experience, perceive, distinguish, recognise, admit, confess, be acquainted with. So plugging in these deeper meanings, suddenly this verse takes on a new depth.
Psalm 46:10aBe still (sink down, relax, let go and let alone) and know (perceive, recognise, admit, confess, be acquainted with, know by experience) that I am God;WOW! I am challenged to do this today! How about you?
Father, help me to be still and to know you by experience. Draw my heart to yours so that you become all that I desire!