I am working on the study "NO OTHER GOD'S" by Kelly Minter right now and was really touched by a concept we studied.
Sarah had a desperate need for a child but was denied this desire on her time table. She was upset, scared and perhaps angry that she would never have children so she took matters into her own hands and created a surrogate mother through Hagar. Abraham went a long with her and conceived a child with Hagar (he must have missed the flashing red warning light and screaming sirens).
Then all hell broke loose and the women started fighting. I can't even imagine the resentment, bickering and hate that emanated from their tents. I am sure that Abraham felt stuck in the middle and everyone was angry. Hagar despised, Sarah punished and Abraham abdicated. Ishmael was born into the mess and things got more ugly. But God redeemed this mess and made something incredible of the disaster. Isaac was born and God's promise came true. And literally the whole world has been blessed through this promise by the eventual coming of Christ.
So what did I learn?
1) Sarah created an idol out of her need so that it overwhelmed everything else in her life.
2)She decided to act on her time table and created a man based solution
3) Everything fell a part and Hagar, Ishmael, Isaac, Sarah Abraham and all their descendants were affected negatively. Even now we see this conflict between God's people and the Middle Eastern countries continuing.
4) Our sin not only affects us, it affects generations to come. IT IS VERY SERIOUS!!!!!
5) God took the broken mess of Sarah's need and still did something wonderful with it.
Gen 21:1 Now the LORD was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did for Sarah what he had promised.
6) God never gives up on us and makes beauty from our ashes. He helps us break down our idols and follow his plan.
7) He loves us even with our sin and baggage and sets us free as we turn to him!
My prayer is that I will avoid Ishmaels and seek God's Isaacs in my life! Don't let your needs create idols in your life!
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