Monday, March 17, 2008

Conflict Resolution

I hate conflict and having to resolve situations with others. I have always tried to smooth over rather than ruffle feathers so there is calm. But this is not always good because I can fester over things rather than air them out and resolve them quickly. I have a hard time letting go and forgiving so that I can be free and so can the other individual.
I bring this up because I have been in a tough situation this month with some people and am working on resolving it rather than pushing it under the rug. My way doesn't work so I am trying to do it God's way even if it is hard.
Peace does not mean the absence of conflict but the ability to maintain calm in the midst of the storm. Situations happen and I can't control them but I can control my reaction to them and this is how I have an opportunity to trust God and remain in His peace.
The heart attitude is to clear up relationships in a loving and resolute manner as quickly as possible so anger, resentment and a door to the enemy does not open up. God brings to mind one of my favorite verses-

Isaiah 26:3
You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

So I am endeavoring to do that and I can't wait to see how God resolves all this.
Happy Monday and may you have peace this week!

1 comment:

Terri said...

I have a saying, "Life would be grand if it just weren't for the people - but. . . there is no life without the people!" Of course, I say the first part in jest. It's the people in our lives that God uses as sandpaper to rub the rough edges off of us. My husband has been my best and most effective sandpaper for 30-1/2 years. My children come in second place.

Over the years, ss I have grown to understand the purpose and meaning of relationships, I have realized that the deeper the relationship the more vulnerable we are with that person. As it should be. How can a relationship really have any depth, if we don't open up and take the risk of rejection, hurt, etc.? If we play it safe, then the relationship remains shallow.

For a few years, I had a very stormly relationship with my second son. But. . . because of all the pain AND openness we experienced during those years, we are very close now. We are free to express ourselves because the bond was created through all the difficulties.

If a relationship is to develop, it must go through struggles. And here's another saying of mine: "If there is no struggle, there is no life."
